Flex Frame System offers Savings and Many Design Options
In a nut shell The Flex Frame System is a less costly alternative to our I-5 TGIC Poly Powder Coated Frame System or our I-3 Primed Frame System. It offers many of the benefits of Metron Design while being more economical. The I-5 Frame is meant to be part of the overall design in the models in which it is used. The colorful frame is meant to show on the interior as well as exterior of the structure thus giving a unique look however, The Flex Frame System is a galvanized Frame system that is meant to be hidden within the exterior and interior wall systems. The Flex Frame is built for reality and strength but not necessarily beauty. It is still a bolt together system just like the I-5 for speed of erection and assembly. It also carries a lot of the same values and aesthetics of the I-5 Frame in that it still meets all the tax code benefits as well as code compliance.
Several of our models can be built in a Flex Frame System although there are some differences. The Flex Frame has special trims that we utilize in order to make the color beams and exterior wall cladding accents. There may have to be more support bracing in certain areas of the Flex Frame in order to meet engineering guidelines in some areas of the Country and Canada.
If you choose to use a design that incorporates a Flex Frame System we will help along the way with the certain design concerns and areas that may be different from a standard I-5 look.
Galvanized Frame System meant to be hidden with the interior and exterior wall systems.
The Flex Frame is a bolt together system with an exposed bolt design.
Decorative trims are used known as Flex trims in order to add color banding and exterior cladding accents.
Optional Interior walls and Ceiling are covered with Architectural Metal Panels.
The foundation of a Flex frame is typically less costly than a lot of other building systems and is more similar to stick built style structure while adding the benefits of a pre-engineered structure such as fast assembly, tax code benefits, easier city approvals etc.
The claddings are essentially the same as all our other model designs. In some instances special cladding maybe used to utilize less interior framing as with the Flex frame Basic Model.
Adapting many of our model designs to a Flex Frame System can be challenging depending on the engineering constraints in the area of the United States that your are building, however this is no different than any stick built structure.
Using a Flex Frame System can be very beneficial when it comes to cost, however it does have some limitations on structural engineering but these are no different than a typical structure. In these instances we can incorporate our I-3 Frame System.The I -3 Frame System utilizes I Beams as well as HSS Tubular Steel that will meet or exceed any required engineering specifications
In conclusion, the Flex Frame System can be a great choice when cost is a concern but like each building system there are pluses and minuses that must be taken into account when performing the design and overall serviceability of any structure. Metron can help you to discern what maybe the best choice for your site and situation, The Flex Frame can be a great asset when adapting to market trends, financial conditions and overall design requirements. When combined with the I-3 or I-5 Frame System the design and structural benefits are awesome. The Flex Frame is another tool in the tool box to help you successfully design and build your next project!